Сцепное устройство для навесного оборудования Front linkage 4 t для трактора колесного New Holland T8.410

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Контакты продавца

Designed for quick installation on a tractor of implements, such as, for example, brushes, blades, snow plows, crushers, front mowers (mulchers), front cultivators, etc.
Advantages and design features of the front three-point linkage for the New Holland T8.410 tractor:
easy to install on the tractor frame, no special tools are required for its installation;
the hitch allows you to aggregate mounted and semi-mounted agricultural machines with tractors;
equipped with two hydraulic cylinders;
in the working position, the hooks are lowered to the desired position, in the non-working position - the hooks are raised up;
The hitch can have different types of connection to the hydraulic control system and attachment to the tractor frame, depending on the manufacturer and model of the tractor.
lifting force 4000 kg (40 kN);
self-developed coupling device Cat.2;
additional holes for more accurate positioning of the hitch;
hydraulic hose with breakaway couplings;
reliable construction, modern design;
only high quality materials are used.
Carrying capacity, t ... 4
Number of capture points, pcs ... 3
Hitch category ... 2
Working (internal) capture width, mm ... 825
Overall dimensions in working position, no more:
Length, mm ... 883
Width, mm ... 893
Height, mm ... 990
Overall dimensions in transport position, no more:
Length, mm ... 614
Width, mm ... 737
Height, mm ... 695
Lifting force, kN ... 40
Weight, kg ... 300
Front three-point hitch for New Holland T8.410 tractor:
Designed for quick installation on a tractor of implements, such as, for example, brushes, blades, snow plows, crushers, front mowers (mulchers), front cultivators, etc.
Advantages and design features of the front three-point linkage for the New Holland T8.410 tractor:
easy to install on the tractor frame, no special tools are required for its installation;
the hitch allows you to aggregate mounted and semi-mounted agricultural machines with tractors;
equipped with two hydraulic cylinders;
in the working position, the hooks are lowered to the desired position, in the non-working position - the hooks are raised up;
The hitch can have different types of connection to the hydraulic control system and attachment to the tractor frame, depending on the manufacturer and model of the tractor.
lifting force 4000 kg (40 kN);
self-developed coupling device Cat.2;
additional holes for more accurate positioning of the hitch;
hydraulic hose with breakaway couplings;
reliable construction, modern design;
only high quality materials are used.
Carrying capacity, t ... 4
Number of capture points, pcs ... 3
Hitch category ... 2
Working (internal) capture width, mm ... 825
Overall dimensions in working position, no more:
Length, mm ... 883
Width, mm ... 893
Height, mm ... 990
Overall dimensions in transport position, no more:
Length, mm ... 614
Width, mm ... 737
Height, mm ... 695
Lifting force, kN ... 40
Weight, kg ... 300